
How to Design a Coaster

Have you ever wondered what it takes to design and build a roller coaster? At last, there’s a book that shows you. A mix of engineering and art, roller coasters are complex three-dimensional puzzles consisting of thousands of individual parts. Designers spend countless hours creating and tweaking ride paths to push the envelope of exhilaration, all while maintaining the highest safety standards. Coasters 101: An Engineer's Guide to Roller Coaster Design examines the numerous diverse aspects of roller coaster engineering, including some of the mathematical formulas and engineering concepts used.

The ultimate resource on roller coaster design and engineering includes interesting content like:
  • History of the roller coaster
  • Detailed description on launch systems
  • A people powered coaster
  • How a 4th dimension coaster works
  • Evolution of the modern vertical loop
Coasters 101: An Engineer’s Guide to Roller Coaster Design is now available in many formats:

*Warning: Side effects of reading may cause dizziness, nausea, or  the sudden urge to visit a theme park.

See What Readers Are Saying About Coasters 101:

“If you are a nerd, then you will love this book. Interesting... enjoyable.”
-T. Russell,

“The book all aspiring roller coaster designers have been waiting for!” - Ben

“I thought it was great. It was a good first look at roller coaster design. It also gave great information and details about roller coasters in general.” – Adrina from Goodreads

“Your book is fascinating and one of a kind which makes it invaluable! “ -Susan

I now understand more about why you see carriages running empty, and I was particularly interested in learning how dual coasters (where two carriages on different tracks pass each other) work. I've always wondered how they can come so close every time when there are different sizes of people in the two carriages - now I know how! It was very interesting to read about the testing schedule on coasters, and the effort that goes in to preventing accidents." -Amazon UK reviewer

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